***SOLD *** Cleaning services business ***SOLD ***

  • $***Sold *** AUD
Cleaning services and supplies business for sale $149,900


***Sold *** Cleaning services business for sale Bribie Island

Based in beautiful Bribie Island, both these businesses tick all the boxes.

Business established 15 years

This business is so busy that it keeps 7 contractors on the go.

Substantial database of residential customers and commercial referrers that keep bringing in the business.

Examples of typical work orders are:

Contractors New builds 200 homes

90 Townhouses in Morayfield.

Retirement villages

Real estate agents refering work for bond cleans

NDIS Cleans

Residential regular house cleaning

Mix of commercial and residential services

Business operates typically 5 days Monday to Friday

Systems and procedures included,

Trained and dedicated staff (Contractors) are all in place

Most work comes from word of mouth.

This is NOT a franchise so there are no franchise fees to pay

And you are NOT restricted to certain postcode areas.

It is totally up to you how much you want to grow and expand this business.

They don’t even have a website or Facebook page so there is even more potential for social savvy buyer to grow this business further.

Financial years ending 30 June demonstrate:

2018  $323,620 income/sales

2017  $321,155 income/sales

2016  $300,222 income/sales

2015  $283,235 income/sales

Genuine reason for sale.  Health reasons.

We have a serious seller that wants the business sold and its is price to price to sell ***SOLD ***

Listing Details

Price:$***Sold *** AUD
Address:Cleaning services & supplies
City:Bribie Island
Zip Code:4507

Listing Inquiry

  • Price: $***Sold *** AUD
  • Address:

    Cleaning services & supplies
    Bribie Island, Qld 4507

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